Fear of flying, or aviophobia, is estimated to affect 20% of the population. Often it’s the fear of having a panic attack, or loosing control, that worries many of my clients rather than fear of the plane crashing.
Fear of Flying – it’s perfectly natural
First of all, let me reassure you that having a fear of flying is not unusual, and there’s a very good reason for this. Your brain is hardwired to focus on the negative and so it has a natural tendency to fear the worst. All brains have evolved this way to help the human race anticipate danger so they are ready to respond appropriately. But I’m guessing this is of little comfort if your departure date is looming and your anxiety levels are rising.
The good news is you can calm your anxieties, allowing you to jet off on holiday with a relaxed confidence. All that’s required is some work with your unconscious – the part of your mind that automatically triggers these anxieties.
How good would it feel if you could look forward to your holiday with a sense of eager anticipation and no unnecessary anxiety?
Hypnotherapy and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) can help. These therapies work to resolve issues at the unconscious level and are great at lowering anxiety; neutralising the effects of previous upsetting experiences; and changing your fear of flying to one of calm, confident, positive anticipation.
Fear of flying can be resolved in just one session of hypnotherapy. Imagine how wonderful it will feel to have the world as your oyster and look forward to your next holiday!
Heather Denny, the Hypnotherapist offers Hypnotherapy for fear of flying in Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire AL8 7NQ
A simple tip to help ease Fear of Flying
Until you resolve your fear of flying for good with hypnotherapy, here’s a little tip that may help your conscious mind:
Try this next time you’re being driven in a car by someone you know and trust. Close your eyes and listen to the sounds you hear the car make. Feel the sensations as the car progresses on its journey. Many factors can influence what you experience: the gradient; the road surface; potholes; which gear the car is in etc. These sounds and sensations probably don’t vary so much to those experienced during a flight. The difference is that you can rationalise the car journey because you’re familiar with these sights; sounds; and sensations. You can see changes in the road surface so you might anticipate the different sound the tyres make against the tarmac. You understand why the engine is making a straining sound as it climbs a steep hill; and as for potholes, everyone’s familiar with the bump and clonk of hitting one.
All the sensations and sounds you experience while your eyes are closed seem so much more intense, don’t they? It’s similar when you take a flight because you are less familiar with the sights, sounds and sensations during a flight. So it makes sense that you are more responsive to unanticipated changes until you realise that all is well, doesn’t it?